martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

A Voice Inside Me Took Ove Me And Made ME Write Stupid Stuff

The moment he said I'm writing, I tought to myself "dood, you should write something too" and you know what? It sucks, because sometimes you feel like you are doing stuff just because someone else did it first!

A friend of mine said he was writing a story, and jus before he metioned it I was looking for something to do, so I went back to my old story (that never got a proper ending) and started to think about what to add to it. I tought it was lame as hell and I sould stop thinking about it, I mean common, you can't just force yourelf to do something. Still, I felt like I should be creative, and I started to like the idea of creating a whole new story, new charcters, new places, new drama... but hey, It's not just the will, you have to make it happen somehow. And that somehow wasn't near me, and that whole new story... that either!

So my inner voice said to me "DOOD, write something on your blogspot! That's what that is made for, to talk non-important random shit!" and now I'm following that creepy little voice inside my head saying weird stuff, but with your permission, I gotta burn a house next to me (it's the voice)

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


Hi, I'm neonLUIX and this is obviously my blogspot, here I write stupid stuff that you won't really care about, or maybe you will (I hope so) at least get my hard-to-get jokes. Or maybe it's just me talkig shitty stuff and trying to be funny. The world may never know, but here's what I've been up to since my texting recovery :)

My missing "p" key

Recently my laptop woke up and said, "hey dood, I think that it would be better for us to make some changes in our relationsip, this is a desision I made by my own and you should not interfere with me" So I asked LittleNeon (my ladyboy laptop) what was wrong... the answer was "I'm getting bored so I will neve ever write "p" if you press the p-key"

So I said "fuck you," and stabbed the key with my finger several times "I'm gonna copy-paste the letter "p" until I have enough money to buy a new keyboard!!!!!!!" and ran to my room, rapidly sobbing.

Gimme Sugar:Miami

This is a really cool reality show made out of lesbians :) Wait, it's not as weird as it sounds, but Charlene is just a really cool lipstick butch (weird, huh?) Who's trying to create a lesbian club in Miami this time. She has to deal with new friends and still be loyeal to her old friends and still manage to check out the scene and work on the new Truck Stop: Miami. It's really cool, there are like REALLY cute gurls on the show, they dress cute always and I learned one phrase: "Don't feed the lesbians"
(You can watch it on

Jaime's Farewell Banana-party! And My Desision to go...

One of my best friends Jaime, was going to leave the country to work and study on the Disney Internship Program, so my friend Yatnee organized a farewell party for him. We went to the beach and drank non-alcoholic stuff, ate Doritos and had a sleepover at her place. It was really emotional knowing we wont have him arround us for so long and it made us cry :( But I hope he's having a great time!

Also I'm hopefully going on the program too, but on Yanuary, I'm really excited about it and I hope I can get the job, it would be a really nice experience to me and a one-time oportunity I shouldn't miss. :D


Right now I'm listening to One Republic because I was with my neighbor at her dad's car and we were listening to some One Republic stuff and it really had me going!

I also got Pink's Funhouse because of another friend of mine, haha, he told me his idea on doing a Drag Queen show with several of the album's songs, THAT made me like it :)

Recently I even got Belinda's old production (Belinda, yeah, thats how the whole album is called, don't you just hate when they name the album after the singer, I mean... REALLY no creativity at all?) And I actually like to sing-along with it while I'm driving :) (how gay is that!)

And finally Repo! The Genetic Opera, that musical was beyond awesome, I'm in love with it, that's all I can say, Its dark, it's fashion, it's jus all I needed in a musical! So I hear it's song like at least once a day! (omg I'm such a freak)

And Last But Not Less Important, the Strike!

I don't really wanna talk about it :/ I'm just gonna say "It sucks, I hope they make a deal by July"

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010


Let’s face it, no one is normal these days, some people get depressed when it’s raining, other type of people dance every time they eat, some are always thinking about how they can prank joke someone; in my case, I have a disease called TLOT (the last one texting) and it prevents me from reading a text message on my cell phone without feeling the need to answer it.

Many times I caught myself looking for un-answered texts on my cell phone while I’m waiting for something, a class, a line, a bus stop, stuff like that. Well, here comes the creepy dark side of the TLOT, and this is how you really know if you have this terrible disease; the other day it hit me like a yellow school bus, I was driving, on the highway, all of sudden I blacked out, I was unconscious, this was the TLOT taking control over me, I was defenseless, that weird thing was abusing me, later when I finally realized I was still alive I found my cell phone in my hand, on the last un-answered text message. Last thing I know, I was vigorously stopping in front of a tree, 3 inches away from hitting it, and that’s how I realized I needed help.

I’ve been pretty tempted, today I “accidentally” checked out my texts, and I answered one, JUST ONE, I mean, you can’t really blame me, it was my BFF and he texted me “OK” like just 3 days ago, how did I expected he to know I was ok with his ok? I know, it’s a terrible guilt and I punished myself (3 days without eating sugar, salt, rice, beef, almonds, water, juice and cheese)

And I cannot say goodbye without first saying that I am not the only person who suffers from TLOT. I know there’s a bunch of freaks out there, just like me that need rehab, so don’t go and make a scene, I am not the only one, I’m just the spokesperson.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010


Toxic Sweet Scent, Goes to my head, making it spin, waiting for your call, knowing its not going to get here, maybe an angel killed it on it's way here, my lonely cellphone. I believe the truth is nothing but a lie, since the cutest guy alive it's capable of murder and the roughest man in the world can be killed by a no one just because he has an extra trigger. The cutes girl alive is a mere technology advance, the greates orgasm in the world was produced by a plastic device that reaches never-felt-before-spots, something so glorious no human is capable of reaching it by the contact with another simple human. In movies we see the real ourselves, something no one was capable of reducing to what they wanted, oh, no that's not true either...

lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Ask me anything

Pintando Con Mi Vecina

Estaba en casa de mi vecina y comenzamos a hacer algo que nos gusta mucho, pintar!

Diamante Lady Gaga

Aquí un dibujo digital que hice de uno de mis artistas favoritos Lady Gaga, porque me puse a pensar, oye este es mi blog y puedo hacer lo que quiera! :P